What will the judicial school be like?
Individual approach
A smaller number of children will allow an individual approach and sufficient space to support their talents and mutual cooperation.
Contact with nature
Thanks to the location of the school, children will have the opportunity to immediately get to know the immediate surroundings, local nature and landscape.
Kind environment
We want the school to be a kind environment where children they are not afraid to communicate and cooperate, which will significantly strengthen their self-development.
Who is a church school for?
The Judicial School will be open to all, regardless of religious beliefs.
In addition to teachers, an evangelical pastor will teach children once a week.
The program will be based on telling and experiencing biblical stories.
The goal is to lead children to respect man and God's multifaceted creation.
School financing
The school project is of a non-commercial nature. The traffic will be for the most part
financed through the Ministry of Education. The amount of tuition will be set so that
the operation of the school was sustainable in the long run. At the same time, we strive to make the school
it was open to all and no social barriers were created.
Restoration of the evangelical school
On the square in Sudice stands a beautiful historic building - a former evangelical school.
For the last decade, it has served as a place for Sunday services and social housing.
Now the parish congregation of the Evangelical Church in Boskovice is returning to its original intention
and is working to restore the school.
Enrollment in the Sudice School
Here you will find a downloadable application for admission, a request for deferral and a document with information on the registration process. In case of any ambiguity, please contact us.
We have launched a collection on Donio.cz
Help us get CZK 800,000 by the end of June
The reconstruction of the historic building of the Evangelical School is already underway in Sudice, it must be completed by September. We already have most of the money from the total budget of 6.5 million, but we still need to raise 800,000. Will you help us?
Kdo učí v Sudické škole?
Mgr. Jiří Bureš
evangelical pastor
Mgr. Jiří Bureš
evangelical pastor
Mgr. Jiří Bureš
evangelical pastor
Mgr. Jiří Bureš
evangelical pastor
Mgr. Jiří Bureš
evangelical pastor
Mgr. Jiří Bureš
evangelical pastor
Mgr. Jiří Bureš
evangelical pastor
Datová schránka: hrccjh8 h
Jsme součástí sítě evangelických škol
Českobratrská církev evangelická, druhá největší církev v ČR, zřizuje celkem osm škol, včetně VOŠ a konzervatoře.
Bratrská škola, Církevní ZŠ (Praha)
Filipka: Škola příběhem, Církevní ZŠ (Brno)
Sudická škola, Církevní MŠ a ZŠ (Sudice)
Střední odborná škola sociální a zdravotnická (Náchod)
Střední zdravotnická škola (Brno)
Konzervatoř Evangelické akademie (Olomouc)
Vyšší odborná škola sociálně právní (Brno)
Vyšší odborná škola sociální práce a střední škola (Praha)